Welcome to Phoenix Rising Counseling Services


For adults, children, and families in distress:


Achieve victory over

        A traumatic past

        Constant family conflict

        Difficult behaviors in your children

        Depressed, anxious, or high risk behaviors


--HEAL your wounds from the inside out--


You’ve experienced physical, sexual, emotional, or spiritual assault on your body, mind, and spirit. You feel broken on the inside. You want to withdraw from everything and everybody. But even in isolation, you feel trapped in the nightmare that life has become.


Experience the healing that comes ….

…  when all Parts of yourself live in harmony again.


        Figure out why you have thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that don’t make any sense

        Develop strategies to calm down your body

        Slow down your racing thoughts

        Stop hurting your loved ones with your words and actions

        Make the constant flashbacks and trauma memories go away

        Say goodbye to nightmares

--CHANGE your relationship with your family--


You find yourself arguing with your family members all the time. They don’t seem to understand you, and you have a hard time understanding them. It seems as if all you do is fight all the time. It seems like the one group of people who should always be there for you are the main ones who seem to be against you. You wish you could stop attacking them, but you just don’t know how.


Experience the satisfaction….

… that comes from releasing dysfunctional relationship patterns



You’ve tried again and again to fix things...


... but you keep making the same mistakes in dealing with your family.

You feel like something unexplainable is always blocking you from finding resolution and healing.

You’ve tried so many ways to fix things.

Maybe you’ve tried coaching, self help books, or even counseling in the past, yet ...


... Nothing seems to makes sense and sometimes you just want to give up trying.


BUT you desperately want the ongoing conflict to end.




        Learn new skills for communicating with each member of your family

        Figure out what motivates them and be able to communicate in ways they understand

        Resolve conflicts and heal old family wounds

        Finally be able to speak your truth in a way that makes you feel empowered and heard

        Learn to actually let go of the past

        Discover the deeper emotional blocks that stop you from responding to your family the way you wish you could ……

….. And resolve them.


You can build a better relationship with your family



—LEARN how you and your children can find peace—


You finally fall into bed at 1 AM, hoping your children are sleeping. It’s been a very long day, with work and taking care of your kids. From desperately trying to manage teenage depression and angst, to being assaulted by the anger of your oppositional teenager, to running full throttle after your younger child, some days you feel at the end of your rope.


No matter how many kids you have, parenting is an extremely difficult job. Sometimes it seems the best days are those that end only with exhaustion instead of that and failure too.


You may have read all the parenting books or maybe still feel very new to this parenting thing.


You may be experiencing any of the following parenting issues …

        Children who feel entitled

        Children who split parents / caregivers

        Children who lie to parents / others

        Children with frequent temper tantrums / meltdowns

        Children who have constant trouble during normal routines (bedtime, getting ready for school, etc)

        Children that are aggressive, depressed, and / or self harm

        Siblings that fight all the time!

        Homework that never gets done, never comes home, never gets to the teacher

        They know more about technology than you do

        Other adults judge your parenting abilities

        and more….


Find Inner Peace and Confidence as a Parent ….


… and Take Back Your Family!



        Learn new parenting skills

        Find new ways to use old parenting skills

        Learn how to be mindful as a parent and let your own stress melt away

        Learn normal developmental milestones for children

        Uncover and resolve deeper emotional blockages that prevent feelings of true connection with your children

        Be able to brainstorm solutions to complex problems with a caring therapist


Submit a Referral to begin your journey towards a more satisfying parenting experience.

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Fun and Educational Indoor Activities to Keep Kids Engaged

Image via Pexels   Fun and Educational Indoor Activities to Keep Kids Engaged Keeping children entertained and educated …

Pausing in a Pandemic

5am wake up and shower, 6am breakfast, 7am carpool line for kid number 1, 7:30am carpool line for kid number 2, 8am work …

Now Providing Telehealth Services

Phoenix Rising Counseling Services is now providing Telehealth Services.  During this COVID-19 pandemic, we have discovered …